
Stony Brook University
Melville Library

Julia Kristeva: A Bibliography   
Hélène Volat

 Selected Online Publications


"Motherhood Today." Gypsy V. Colloquium. October 2005. Julia Kristeva official website. http://Kristeva.fr/motherhood.html 



“Hannah Arendt or Refoundation as Survival.” Speech at the reception of the Hannah Arendt Prize for Political Thought. Bremen. December 15–16. Julia Kristeva official website, http://www.kristeva.fr/Arendt_en.html


“Pratiques de génie,” interview by Gilles Behnam. Mag philo. http://www2.cndp.fr/magphilo/philo17/interview.htm#top.


 “De l’affect ou ‘L’intense profondeur des mots.’” Lecture at the Facultà Teologica dell’Italia Settentrionale, Milan. February 23–24. Julia Kristeva official website, http://www.kristeva.fr/de-l-affect.html.


"Speech delivered to the Women’s Forum. Conference on Rafah Nashed. October 9. https://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=dr.004.0004a.


 “Le Langage comme antidépresseur.” Lecture at École internationale de Genève. January 14. Julia Kristeva official website, http://www.kristeva.fr/le-langage-comme-antidepresseur.html.



"Letter to Malala Yousafzai. Written for Yousafzai’s reception of Simone de Beauvoir Prize 2013. October 14. http://prixsimonedebeauvoir.blogspot.com/.


 “Alexandre Soljénitsyne: Un Écrivain en lutte avec son siècle.” Prison, Écriture, Combat ou La Langue disruptive et la Beauté en Question. Conference on the centenary of Solzhenitsyn’s birth. November 21, 2018. Institut de France, Sorbonne. Julia Kristeva official website, http://www.kristeva.fr/soljenitsyne.html.

“La Bulgarie, LEurope Post-Totalaire et Moi.” Marianne 1121. September 7–13. Julia Kristeva official website, http://www.kristeva.fr/bulgaria-post-totalitarian-europe-and-me.html.

“Bulgaria, Post-Totalitarian Europe and Me.” November 26. https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/bulgaria-post-totalitarian-europe-and-me/; sur blog.lareviewofbooks.org/.


“It’s Just Not My Life—Julia Kristeva Responds” November 1 http://blog.lareviewofbooks.org/essays/just-life-julia-kristeva-responds/.


“The Individual Person at the Center.” Interview by George Nivat and Olivier Mongin. July 8. Julia Kristeva official website, http://www.kristeva.fr/the-individual-person-at-the-center.html.


“Prelude to an Ethics of the Feminine.” 51st International Psychoanalytical Association Congress. Queen Elizabeth II Centre, London. July 24–27. Julia Kristeva official website, http://www.kristeva.fr/prelude-to-an-ethics-of-the-feminine.html.

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Hélène Volat ©1999. All rights reserved. Last revised May 30, 2020.