Curriculum vitae

Hélène VOLAT




Publications (Books, Bibliographies & Articles, Translations, Websites)

Invited Lectures

Exhibits Organized


Professional Work Outside the University



1994-2013-Head of Information and References Services, Melville Library. Stony Brook University.

Supervised staff of the Reference Department, including staff of the Information Desk, Video and Microform Services Unit. Coordinated reference service activities with other units of the Library and University. Planned and developed reference operations and new services and information products, and continuously developed library staff.

1991 -- Reference Librarian/Bibliographer,  Stony Brook University.

Developed and managed collection development in French, Comparative Studies, Philosophy, French & Russian History, Russian & Slavic Studies. Served as faculty liaison in these areas. Provided reference service. Trained and supervised graduate students working at the Reference Desk. Provided library instruction as needed by the department.

1984-1991 -- Humanities Bibliographer, Department of  Collection Development, Stony Brook University.

Developed and managed collection development in Art, French, Italian, Comparative Studies, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Theatre, French & Russian History, Russian & Slavic Studies. As Assistant Head, supervised a staff of two Library Assistants and one Clerk.

1984- Technical Assistant in Collection Development. Melville Library. Stony Brook University.

1980-1983 Lecturer in French. Department of French & Italian. Stony Brook University.

1975-1978 Freelance Technical Translator (French and Russian). Brookhaven National Laboratory and the Institute for Energy Research, Stony Brook University.

1971-1974 Teaching Assistant in French. Department of French and Italian.  Stony Brook University.

Licensed Technical Translator and Interpreter at the Société pour l'Equipement des Industries Chimiques (SPEICHIM). Paris.

Assistant to Professor Aleksandr Benningsen. Ecole des Hautes Etudes Russes de la Sorbonne. Paris.

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1980-1984 M.A. in Library and Information Sciences.
Long Island University, C.W. Post.

1974-1975 French Literature; Literary and Critical Theory Seminar.
København Universitet.  Denmark. 

1971-1974 M.A. French and Francophone Literature (with honors).
Stony Brook University. Department of French and Italian.

Brevet de Technicien Supérieur Trilingue 
Université de Paris I (Sorbonne) and Lycée Maurice Ravel (Paris).

Hypokhâgne (Lettres Modernes); Propédeutique.
Université de Paris I (Sorbonne) and Lycée Gustave Monod (Enghien-les-Bains).

Lycée Gustave Monod (Enghien-les-Bains).

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Librarian Study Leave Award
NYS/UUP PDQWL Committee, 1989, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2006, 2010.

President's Award for Excellence in Librarianship, 1986.

Graduate Academic Performance Award.
C.W. Post (Palmer School of Library Science): 1981, 1982 and 1984.

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$6,000 FAHSS Interdisciplinary Initiatives Grant. With Kristen Nyitray and Raiford Guins. 2011.


I. Books

The Publications of Jan Kott. With Gehrard Vasco. SUNY at Stony Brook, 1979. 26 p.

Structuralism and Poststructuralism: A Checklist of Major Titles from 1960 to 1984. Stony Brook: University Libraries, 1984. 32 p.

Jean-Louis Barrault: Ecrits, répertoire, filmographie et critique, 1935-1989 (with Gerhard Vasco). Preface by Tom Bishop. Paris: Editions Minard, 1992. 150 p.


Julia Kristeva: Oeuvres et Critique. Paris: Editions Minard (Carnets bibliographiques de la Revue des Lettres Modernes), 1997. 250 p.

Marguerite Duras: A Bio-Bibliography (with Robert Harvey). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997. 273 p.

Les Écrits de Michel Deguy. Bibliographie des Oeuvres et de la critique, 1960-2000. (Coll. Inventaires). Préface de Michel Deguy "Du Carnet à l'archive". With Robert Harvey. Paris: 2002. 325 p.

De l'exception à la règle: USA PATRIOT Act (co-authored with Robert Harvey). Paris: Lignes (Essais),  2006. 224p.

Les Écrits de Marguerite Duras (with Bernard Alazet and Robert Harvey). Paris: Institut Mémoires de l'Édition Contemporaine, (Inventaires, 2), 2009. 530 p.

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"Bibliography." In Carol Blum. Diderot or the Virtue of a Philosopher: 171-76. New York: Viking Press, 1974.

"Federigo Tozzi. Appendice bibliografica. A cura di Hélène Volat-Shapiro." In Tozzi in America: 219-30. Roma: Bulzoni, 1986.

"Julia Kristeva: A Bibliography of Her Writings." Bulletin of Bibliography 44, no. 1 (March 1988): 51-62.

"Philosophy and Non-Philosophy since Merleau-Ponty: A Bibliography." Continental Philosophy, v. 2: 344-69. New York: Routledge, 1988.

"Derrida and Deconstruction: A Bibliography." Continental Philosophy, v. 2: 243-55. New York: Routledge, 1989.

"Postmodernism, Philosophy and the Arts: A Bibliography." Continental Philosophy, v. 3: 323-45. New York: Routledge, 1990.

"Minority Internship/Scholarship in Library and Information Science." With C. Kendrick, J. Clinkscales, J. Lipkind and A. Salinero. College Research and Libraries News 51, no. 10 (November 1990): 965-73.

"Gadamer and Hermeneutics: A Bibliography." Continental Philosophy, v. 4: 311-27. New York: Routledge, 1991.

"Jean-François Lyotard: A Selective Bibliography." In Robert Harvey and Mark S. Roberts, eds. Toward the Postmodern: 223-44. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1993.

"Questioning Foundations: Truth/Subjectivity/Culture: A Bibliography." Continental Philosophy, v.5: 245-57. New York: Routledge, 1993.

"Julia Kristeva: Selected Bibliography." Review of Existential Psychology and Psychiatry 22, nos. 1, 2, and 3 (1995): 13-26.

"Philosophy and Desire. A Bibliography." In Continental Philosophy. v. 7: 235-48. New York: Routledge, 2000."Sade: A Selective Bibliography." In David Allison, Mark Roberts and Alan Weiss, eds. Sade and the Narrative of Transgression: 265-70. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995.

"Cultural Semeiosis: A Bibliography." In Continental Philosophy , v. 6:303-19.  New York: Routledge, 1998.

"Jean-François Lyotard: A Bibliography." In Continental Philosophy, v. 8: 259-80. New York: Routledge, 2002.

"Michel Foucault: A Bibliography." In Continental Philosophy, New York: Routledge, 2003.

"Résistance à la résistance" (avec Robert Harvey).  La sœur de l'ange (Nº spécial: "À quoi bon résister?") Printemps 2007, pp. 163-70.

"Bibliographie". Oeuvres complètes de Marguerite Duras. Paris, Gallimard (Pléiade).  2014. 

" "Un Patriot Act à la française ? ou les inquiétantes résonances d'une loi." (avec Pierre-Antoine Chardel et Robert Harvey) Lignes 48 (octobre 2015) pp. 105-124. Translated into English and published as "The French Intelligence Act: Resonances with the USA PATRIOT Act"
Technology Science, March 2016.

"Duras par la bibliographie". in Marguerite Duras : passages, croisements, rencontres. Actes du Colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle.  Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2019, pp. 85-92.

"Traductions". in Dictionnaire Duras. Ed. par Bernard Alazet et Christiane Blot-Labarrère. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2020, p. 633.

"Bibliography of the Writings of Julia Kristeva", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), 2020,  pp. 809-46.

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Roberts, Mark. "Le rêve, simulation d'une réalité cauchemardesque/The Dream, Simulation of a Nightmarish Reality" Confrontations [forthcoming].

Mannoni, Octave. "La Pathogénèse de la création ou la libération des femmes." In David Allison, Mark Roberts and Alan Weiss, eds. Psychosis and Sexual Identity: Toward a Post-Analytic View of the Schreber Case: 180-202. Albany: SUNY Press, 1988.

Kuisel, Richard. "Anti-américains et gallophiles." Esprit (January 1994): 177-81.

Lebovics, Herman. "La Grande Dépression: Aux origines d'un nouveau conservatisme français, 1980-1986. Notes." Francia (Forschungen zur Westeuropaischen Geschichte) 1986: 148-50.

Kuisel, Richard. (Book Review). Louis Vallon ou la politique en liberté de Jaurès à de Gaulle. (Gérard Brun, ed. Economica, 1986). Le Mouvement Social 146 (January-March 1989): 112-15.

Kuisel, Richard. (Book Review). L'Ingénieur dans la société française (André Thépot. Paris: Les Editions Ouvrières, 1985). Vingtième Siècle (1986): 148.

Kuisel, Richard. "Pierre Mendès-France et la volonté de modernité." In François Bédarida and Jean-Pierre Rioux, eds. Pierre Mendès-France et le mendésisme. L'Expérience gouvernementale (1954-1955) et sa postérité: 369-82 Paris: Fayard, 1985.

"Table Ronde about Capitalism and the State." Discussion between François Bédarida and Richard Kuisel: 35-41. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. (Bulletin de l'Institut du Temps Présent, 18) 1984.

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Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 1980-1988. Center for Italian Studies, SUNY at Stony Brook, 1988.

Faculty Publications in the Humanities. With R. Regan and A. Salinero. 1989.

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Julia Kristeva. Lists major publications by and about Julia Kristeva from 1966 to the present.

Michel Deguy. 

Marguerite Duras.

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"Reading of Dante's Inferno V." (In French). International Symposium Dante: Summa Medioevalis. SUNY Stony Brook, 26 March 1988.

"How to Launch a Dream." Career Opportunities Symposium sponsored by Africana Studies. SUNY Stony Brook, 12 November 1990.

"The USA PATRIOT Act and Libraries. Department of Africana Studies. October 13, 2004.

"The PATRIOT Act on Campus: How the War on Terror Affects Us at Home." Global Issue Forum (Wang Center). March 23, 2004.

"Live virtual reference: "I want to talk to a real librarian". ACRL forum. Stony Brook Libraries, May 21, 2004.

"The USA PATRIOT ACT and  Libraries". Port Jefferson Public Library, June 3, 2004. 

"The USA PATRIOT ACT and Libraries".  Libraries Services Committee. November 18, 2004.

"Is the PATRIOT Act dangerous?". February 9, 2005. Global Issue Forum (College of Global Studies), Stony Brook University. 

"Regard sur une société terrorisée. Le cas du USA Patriot Act". Séminaire "Sécurité, territoire, mondialisation. Interroger l’acceptabilité des technologies de contrôle". NYU in Paris, 20 December 2007.

"Conspiracy and Consent." Milan-Montpellier CRENA. Université Paul Valéry 2. Montpellier, France. June 24-26, 2009.

"L'An I d'Obama". Colloquium entitled "L'Etat confronté à la diversité des cultures". Black History Month. Collège François-Xavier-Garneau. Québec City (Canada). Feb. 24-26, 2010.

"The Beginnings of Video Games": Special Event at the Museum of the Moving Image, Astoria, NY. (October 1, 2011). Invited panelist. 

"Table Ronde". Centre Culturel International de Cerisy la Salle. Conférence Marguerite Duras. août 2014.


"The USA Patriot Act. De l'exception à la règle". Interview with Frederic Bonnaud on French National Radio (France Inter) "Charivari" on April 17, 2006.

 "The USA Patriot Act. De l'exception à la règle". Interview with Thomas Mishrahi for USA Hebdo (BFM French radio program devoted to books on the USA). June 8, 2006.

"Philosophie en situations. La pensée sécuritaire." France-Culture. Les vendredi de la Philosophie. Debate on French radio program with François Noudelmann, Bernard Golse, Frédéric Gros, and Robert Harvey.  June 22, 2006

"11 septembre. Terrorisme et démocratie." Radio Canada, 11 septembre 2007. Interview with Michel Désautels.

Mumia Abu-Jamal. Un homme libre dans le couloir de la mort et USA PATRIOT ACT. De l’exception à la règle.
Radio libertaire. Chroniques Rebelles. Paris, 22 December, 2007.

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"Dante. Summa Medioevalis." Department of Special Collections, 22-26 March 1988. Loan of 16 manuscripts and photographs from Professsor Giamatti's collection at Mt. Holyoke College.

"Tozzi in America." Department of Special Collections, 24-27 March 1985.

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ACH 102.8 "USA PATRIOT Act and politics". With R. Harvey.

Regular lectures on Bibliographic and Research Methods for:

Department of Theatre Arts (THR 346, 500 and 505)

Department of Comparative Studies (CLT 510)

Women Studies Program (WNS 407)

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Bibliographer for:

The International Bibliography of Theatre (1986-1990)

The Romantic Movement (1989-1995)

French XX Bibliography (1986--)

Continental Philosophy (1986--)

Reviewer for :

The Place of Art/Место искусства. Moscow (2020--)

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1995-2011 - Association "Sauver les documents en péril des bibliothèques françaises."

1994-1996 - Northeast Association for Computers and the Humanities (NEACH)

1986-- Association des Bibliothécaires français.

1985-1991 Long Island Library Resource Council (LILRC)

Committee on Resource Sharing and Coordinated Acquisitions
(Appointed position)

1984 American Association of Teachers of French (AATF)

American Library Association (ALA)  

Association of College and Research Libraries

RUSA (2002-2012)

1984-2002  Theatre Library Association

1984-2012- State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA)

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Maintained by H. Volat
Last updated February 2023