Julia Kristeva

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Julia Kristeva: A Bibliography   
Hélène Volat

Selected Articles, Chapters in books & Book Reviews (Secondary sources)

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  • ARENS, Kagherine. "Kristeva on the Encyclopedists : Linguistics, Semanalysis, and the Epistemology of Englightenment Science," in Douglas A. Kilbee, ed. History of Linguistics 2005, p. 416-31. Amsterdam, Benjamins, 2007. 451 p.
  • BERRESSEM, Hanjo. "On the Matter of Abjection." in Konstanze Kutzbach and Monika Mueller, eds. The Abject of Desire: The Aestheticization of the Unaesthetics in Contemporary Literature and Culture, p. 19-48. Amsterdam Rodopi, 2007. 309 p.
  • CRIMP, Catherine. "Variations on the Political in Lacan, Kristeva and Irigaray," French Studies Bulletin, Spring 2007, vol. 28, no. 102, p. 1-5.
  • GRATTON, Peter. "What are Psychoanalysts for in a Destitute Time ? Kristeva and the Community in Revolt," Journal for Cultural Research, Jan. 2007, vol. 11, no.  1, p. 1-13.
  • MARGARONI, Maria. "Recent Work on and by Julia Kristeva : Toward a Psychoanalytic Social Theory." Signs, 32, 3 (Spring 2007), pp. 793-808.   
  • MINELLI, Elena. "Maternal and Paternal Legacies in the Language of Love : Julia Kristeva's Tales of Love and Nadia Fusini's I volti dell'amore," in Giorgio, Adalgisa (ed., preface, and introd.); Waters, Julia (ed., preface, and introd.) Women's Writing in Western Europe: Gender, Generation and Legacy. Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Cambridge Scholars, 2007. 463 pp.
  • RICKERT, Thomas. "Toward the Chöra : Kristeva, Derrida, and Ulmer on Emplaced Invention," Philosophy and Rhetoric, 2007, vol. 40, no. 3, p. 251-73.
  • VARGOVA, Mariela. "Dialogue, Pluralism, and Change : The Intertextual Constitution of Bakhtin, Kristeva and Derrida," Res Publica, Dec. 2007, vol. 13, no 4, p. 415-440.
  • WEST, Russell. "Abject Cannibalism: Anthropophagic Poetics in Conrad White, and Tennant. Towards a Critique of Julia Kristeva's Theory of Abjection." Konstanze Kutzbach and Monika Mueller, eds. The Abject of Desire: The Aestheticization of the Unaesthetics in Contemporary Literature and Culture, p. 235-54. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2007. 309 p.

  • BARON, Konstanze. "Die Revolutionen der Psyche und die Aktualität von 68 : Julia Kristevas Theorie der Revolte", in Isabelle von Treskow u. Christian Tschilsche, eds. Revision einer kulturellen Formation, p. 129-145. Tübingen, Gunter Narr, 2008. 271 p.
  • BJELIC, Dusan. "Julia Kristeva : Exile and Geopolitics of the Balkans," Slavic Review, Summer 2008, Vol. 67, no. 2. p. 364-83.
  • MILLER, Elaine. "Negativity, Iconoclasm, Mimesis : Kristeva and Benjamin on Political Art," Idealistic Studies, Spring/Summer 2008, vol. 38. no. 1/2, p. 55-74.
  • VAN DER TUIN, Iris. "Donna Haraway Live Theory/Hélène Cixous Live Theory/Julia Kristeva Live Theory'," Feminist Review, 2008, no. 88, p. 189-92.
  • VISKER, Rudi. "The Foreign, the Uncanny, and the Foreigner: Concepts of the Self and the Other in Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Philosophy," in  A Time for the Humanities: Futurity and the Limits of Autonomy, Ed. by Bono, James J., Dean, Tim and  Ziarek, Ewa Plonowsk. New York,  Fordham UP,  2008. 273 p.
  • WEST, Patrick. "Theoretical Allegory/Allegorical Theory : (Post-)Colonial Spatializations in Janet Frame's The Carpathians and Julia Kristeva's The Old Man and the Wolves, " Journal of New Zealand Literature, 2008, Vol. 26, pp. 73-94.


  • AINLEY, Alison. "Kristeva, Psychoanalysis and Culture : Subjectivity in Crisis," Hypatia, Winter 2009, vol. 24, no. 1, p. 218-21.
  • ALPHANDARY, Idit. "Religion and the 'Rights of Man' in Julia Kristeva's Work",  in Kelly Oliver and S. K. Keltner, eds. Psychoanalysis, Aesthetics, and Politics in the Work of Julia Kristeva, p. 229-39. Albany, SUNY Press, 2009. 253 p.
  • BEARDSWORTH, Sara. "Love's Lost Labors : Subjectivity, Art, and Politics", in Kelly Oliver and S. K. Keltner, eds. Psychoanalysis, Aesthetics, and Politics in the Work of Julia Kristeva, p. 127-142. Albany, SUNY Press, 2009. 253 p.
  • BODIN, Helena. "Seeking Byzantium on the Borders of Narration, Identity, Space and Time in Julia Kristeva's Novel Murder in Byzantium," Tidsskrift i Litteratur og Kultur, Spring 2009, Vol. 24, pp. 31-43.
  • EDMONDS, Jeff. "Kristeva's Uncanny Revolution: Imagining the Meaning of Politics." in Kelly Oliver and S. K. Keltner, eds. Psychoanalysis, Aesthetics, and Politics in the Work of Julia Kristeva, p. 213-27. Albany, SUNY Press, 2009. 253 p.
  • ELROD-SADLER, Angela. "Forgiveness in the works of Julia Kristeva : public act or private meaning?" in R. E. Houser and Thomas Osborne, Forgiveness.
    Houston, National Office of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, University of Saint Thomas, 2009. 346 p. pp. 151-61.
  • FERRELL, Robyn "The Darkroom of the Soul", in Kelly Oliver and S. K. Keltner, eds. Psychoanalysis, Aesthetics, and Politics in the Work of Julia Kristeva, p. 97-106. Albany, SUNY Press, 2009. 253 p.
  • KELTNER, S. K. "Introduction : Politics from 'a bit of a distance'", in Kelly Oliver and S. K. Keltner, eds. Psychoanalysis, Aesthetics, and Politics in the Work of Julia Kristeva, p. 1-18. Albany, SUNY Press, 2009. 253 p.
  • KELTNER, S. K. "What Is Intimacy?" in Kelly Oliver and S. K. Keltner, eds. Psychoanalysis, Aesthetics, and Politics in the Work of Julia Kristeva, p. 163-77. Albany, SUNY Press, 2009. 253 p.
  • LECHTE, John. "Julia Kristeva and the Trajectory of the Image." in Kelly Oliver and S. K. Keltner, eds. Psychoanalysis, Aesthetics, and Politics in the Work of Julia Kristeva, p. 79-95. Albany, SUNY Press, 2009. 253 p.
  • MacCORMAK, Patricia. "Julia Kristeva." in Felicity Colman, ed. Film, Theory and Philosophy: The Key Thinkers, p. 276-85. Montreal, Mc-G ill-Queen's University Press 2009. 404 p.
  • MARGARONI, Maria. "Julia Kristeva's Chiasmatic Journeys: From Byzantium to the Phantom of Europe and the End of the World." in Kelly Oliver and S. K. Keltner, eds. Psychoanalysis, Aesthetics, and Politics in the Work of Julia Kristeva, p. 107-24. Albany, SUNY Press, 2009. 253 p.
  • OLIVER, Kelly. "Meaning against Death", in Kelly Oliver and S. K. Keltner, eds. Psychoanalysis, Aesthetics, and Politics in the Work of Julia Kristeva, p. 49-64. Albany, SUNY Press, 2009. 253 p.
  • RESTUCCIA, Frances L. "Kristeva's Intimate Revolt and the Thought Specular: Encountering the (Mulholland) Drive." in Kelly Oliver and S. K. Keltner, eds. Psychoanalysis, Aesthetics, and Politics in the Work of Julia Kristeva, p. 65-78. Albany, SUNY Press, 2009. 253 p.
  • SJÖHOLM, Cecilia. "Fear of Intimacy ? Ppsychoanalysis and the Resistance to Commodification", in Kelly Oliver and S. K. Keltner, eds. Psychoanalysis, Aesthetics, and Politics in the Work of Julia Kristeva, p. 179-194. Albany, SUNY Press, 2009. 253 p.
  • VARSAMOPOULOU, Evy. "The Idea of Europe and the Ideal of Cosmopolitanism in the Work of Julia Kristeva," Theory, Culture & Society, Jan. 2009, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 24-44.
  • VENKATESAN, Priya. "Reception Studies in France : Social Contexts, Reader Interpretation, and the Role of Julia Kristeva," Esprit Createur, Spring 2009, vol. 49, no. 1, p. 111-24.
  • WALSH, Lisa. "Symptomatic Reading: Kristeva on Duras." in Kelly Oliver and S. K. Keltner, eds. Psychoanalysis, Aesthetics, and Politics in the Work of Julia Kristeva, p. 143-61. Albany, SUNY Press, 2009. 253 p.
  • ZAKIN, Emily. "Humanism, the Rights of Man, and the Nation-State" in Kelly Oliver and S. K. Keltner, eds. Psychoanalysis, Aesthetics, and Politics in the Work of Julia Kristeva, p. 195-211. Albany, SUNY Press, 2009. 253 p.

  • BARCLAY, FIONA. "Kristeva's Stranger Within : The Question of the Foreigner in Daniel Prévost's Le Passé sous silence. Paragraph, March 2010, vol. 33, no. 1, p. 1-10. 
  • HAND, Sean. "Space in Theory : Kristeva, Foucault, Deleuze," Contemporary French Civilization, Summer 2010, vol. 34, no. 2, p. 213-15.
  • KAUPPI, Niilo. "Julia Kristeva's Invasion of Paris," in Niilo Kauppi, éd. Radicalism in French Culture. A Sociology of French Theory in the 1960s, p. 25-32. Farnham, Ashgate. 2010. 154 p.
  • KAUPPI, Niilo. "Kristeva's Power-Ideas : Ideologeme and the Zerologic Subject," in Niilo Kauppi, éd. Radicalism in French Culture. A Sociology of French Theory in the 1960s, p. 33-47. Farnham, Ashgate. 2010. 154 p.
  • MANGRUM, Benjamin. "Violating the Feminine : War, Kristeva, and The Things They Carried," Journal of the American Studies Association of Texas, Nov. 2010, vol. 41, p. 33-44.
  • PURCELL, Elyse. "Torn Flesh : Julia Kristeva and the Givenness of the Stranger," Religion and the Arts, 2010, Vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 572-88.
  • RUSS, Bianca. "Remapping the European Cultural Memory : The Case of Julia Kristeva's Murder in Byzantium," Atlantis, 2010, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 15-24.
  • SÖDERBAK, Fanny. "Julia Kristeva face aux féministes américaines," L'Infini, été 2010.
  • SUNDERLAND, Lukr. "The Art of Revolt: Rebellion in the Works of Bertran de Born and Julia Kristeva," Comparative Literature, Winter 2010, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 22-40.


  • LINDAHL, Berit. "Experiences of exclusion when living on a ventilator: Reflections based on the application of Julia Kristeva's philosophy to caring science", Nursing Philosophy, Vol. 12, no. 1, 2011, pp. 12-21.
  • MARTIN, Elaine. "Intertextuality," Comparatist, May 2011, Vol. 34, p. 148-51.
  • PURCELL, Elizabeth. "Fetishizing Ontology : Julia Kristeva and Slavoj Zizek on the Structure of Desire," Radical Philosophy Review, 2011, vol. 14, no. 1, p. 67-84.
  • SÖDERBÄCK, Fanny. "Motherhood according to Kristeva: on Time and Matter in Plato and Kristeva", philoSOPHIA, vol. 1, no. 1, 2011, pp. 65-87.

  • TERZIEVA-ARTEMIS, Rossitsa. "The Stories We All Tell: The Function of Language and Knowledge in Julia Kristeva's Novel Possessions," In Baker, Peter (ed. and introd.); Shaller, Deborah (ed. and introd.) Detecting Detection: International Perspectives on the Uses of a Plot. New York, Continuum, 2012, pp. 10-113.

  • ACKENBERT Y ALMANSA, Sigrid. "In friendship of the Letter(s) : Kristeva/Clément and theˈfe-mә-nәnˈ sa-krәd," In Vialet, Michèle, Irene Ivantcheva-Merjanska, Azucena G. Blanco, and Stefan Hollstein, eds. Kristeva in Process : The Fertility of Thought - La pensée fertile - Die Fruchtbarkeit des Denkens. Numéro spécial, Cincinnati Romance Review 35, Spring 2013, pp. 75-90.
  • ASENSI, Manuel. "Kristeva and Derrida : Face-to-Face (Who Invented Deconstruction?)," In Vialet, Michèle, Irene Ivantcheva-Merjanska, Azucena G. Blanco, and Stefan Hollstein, eds. "Kristeva in Process : The Fertility of Thought - La pensée fertile - Die Fruchtbarkeit des Denkens." Numéro spécial, Cincinnati Romance Review 35, Spring 2013, pp. 91-104.
  • HOLLSTEIN, Stefan. "Introduction" In Vialet, Michèle, Irene Ivantcheva-Merjanska, Azucena G. Blanco, and Stefan Hollstein, eds. "Kristeva in Process  : The Fertility of Thought - La pensée fertile- Die Fruchtbarkeit des Denkens." Numéro spécial, Cincinnati Romance Review 35, Spring 2013, pp.1-17.
  • IVANTCHEVA-MERJANSKA , Irene. "Cheminements vers l’identité européenne : l’autre langue, la psychanalyse, le dialogue et le roman dans Meurtre à Byzance et dans des essais de Julia Kristeva," In Vialet, Michèle, Irene Ivantcheva-Merjanska, Azucena G. Blanco, and Stefan Hollstein, eds. Kristeva in Process : The Fertility of Thought - La pensée fertile - Die Fruchtbarkeit des Denkens. Numéro spécial, Cincinnati Romance Review 35, Spring 2013, pp. 49-74.
  • KESSELMAN, Todd. "The Abject, The Object, and The Thing"," In Vialet, Michèle, Irene Ivantcheva-Merjanska, Azucena G. Blanco, and Stefan Hollstein, eds. Kristeva in Process : The Fertility of Thought - La pensée fertile - Die Fruchtbarkeit des Denkens. Numéro spécial, Cincinnati Romance Review 35, Spring 2013, pp. 151-57.
  • KUPKE, Christian. "Fertile Thinking or Thinking about the Fertility of Thinking", In Vialet, Michèle, Irene Ivantcheva-Merjanska, Azucena G. Blanco, and Stefan Hollstein, eds. Kristeva in Process : The Fertility of Thought - La pensée fertile - Die Fruchtbarkeit des Denkens. Numéro spécial, Cincinnati Romance Review 35, Spring 2013, pp. 105-17.

  • LOPEZ SILVA,  Inmaculada. "Contemporary Theatre in “Post” Perspective: Postdrama as the Antisemiotical (R)evolution ?  In Vialet, Michèle, Irene Ivantcheva-Merjanska, Azucena G. Blanco, and Stefan Hollstein, eds. Kristeva in Process : The Fertility of Thought - La pensée fertile - Die Fruchtbarkeit des Denkens. Numéro spécial, Cincinnati Romance Review 35, Spring 2013, pp. 39-48.
  • MARGARONI, Maria. "The Pathos and Ethos of Thought in Julia Kristeva", In Vialet, Michèle, Irene Ivantcheva-Merjanska, Azucena G. Blanco, and Stefan Hollstein, eds. Kristeva in Process : The Fertility of Thought - La pensée fertile - Die Fruchtbarkeit des Denkens. Numéro spécial, Cincinnati Romance Review 35, Spring 2013, pp. 118-34.

  • RUSSELL, Francey. "Strange New Beauty : In Defense of Kristevan Sublimation." In Vialet, Michèle, Irene Ivantcheva-Merjanska, Azucena G. Blanco, and Stefan Hollstein, eds. Kristeva in Process : The Fertility of Thought - La pensée fertile - Die Fruchtbarkeit des Denkens. Numéro spécial, Cincinnati Romance Review 35, Spring 2013, pp. 135-50.

  • WAHRIG, Bettina, Martina Mittag, Heike Klippel. "Applying the Abject : Working with Kristeva’s Concept of Abject toward a Cultural History of Poisonin". In Vialet, Michèle, Irene Ivantcheva-Merjanska, Azucena G. Blanco, and Stefan Hollstein, eds. Kristeva in Process : The Fertility of Thought - La pensée fertile - Die Fruchtbarkeit des Denkens. Numéro spécial, Cincinnati Romance Review 35, Spring 2013, pp. 18-38.

  • EKONEN, Kirsti. "Kristeva before Kristeva. Gender and Creativity in Russian Symbolism", Studies in the Literary Imagination, vol. 47, no. 1, Spring 2014, pp. 149-66.
  • KOLOSZYC, Dawid. "The Monstrous Crossroads of Kristeva's Textual Practice," Studies in the Literary Imagination, vol. 47, no.1, Spring 2014, pp. 1-26.
  • YEUNG, Heather H. "Reading Kristeva with Kristeva", Studies in the Literary Imagination, vol. 47, no.1, Spring 2014, pp. 111-27.


  •  KURIWAKI, Hisato. "Kristeva's Secret Sartrism: On Revolt in the Postmodern Era". In Futoshi Hoshino and Kamelia Passova (eds).The Sublime and the Uncanny. Tokyo: The University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy, 2016, pp. 95-114.
  •  MECHELEN, Marga van. "Julia Kristeva and the legacy of Émile Benveniste". In Inna Semetsky (Ed), Edusemiotics - A Handbook. Springer Verlag.


  • GLEIZE, Mélanie. "Carnets d'un voyage total: Je me voyage: Mémoires, de Julia Kristeva (Entretiens avec Samuel Dock)", Spirale, no 261, Été 2017, p. 65-67.

  • MECHELEN, Marga van.  “Julia Kristeva’s Semanalysis and the Legacy of Émile Benveniste".  In New Semiotics. Between Tradition and Innovation. Proceedings 12th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AID). [Sophia 2014. 16-20 September New Bulgarian University]. Ed. Kristian Bankov, NBU Publishing House & IASS Publications, pp. 1473-1480.


  • SPASSOVA, Kamelia. "Dual Codes: The Text Within A Text in Lotman and Kristeva". PFLIT,  no. 8 (11), part 2., 2018, pp. 13-28.


  •  ANGELOVA, Emilia. "Abjection and the Maternal Semiotic in Kristeva's Intimate Revolt", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 555-72.

  •  BALDACCI, Jean-Louis. "Abjection, Reliance and Sublimation", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 309-15.
  •  BALSAM, Rosemary. "The Controversial Nature of Kristeva's Maternal Reliance", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 609-25.
  •  BEN-NAFTALI, Michal. "A Baroque Reading of Tales of Love", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 461-77.
  •  BOUÉ-WIDAWSKI, Rachel. "Maternal Eroticism and the Journey of a Concept in Kristeva's Work", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 627-38.
  •  BRUSSET, Bernard. "Julia Kristeva : Original and Innovative Contributions at the Core of Psychoanalytic Theory", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 295-307.
  •  CASEY, Edward S. "Depression : Heading Down and Out", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 435-46.
  •  COBLENCE, Françoise. "Aesthetic : According to Julia Kristeva", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 387-406.
  •  COHN-BENDIT, Daniel. "Hannah Arendt Prize Speech 2006", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 589-94.
  •  DELAYE, Alain. "The Need to Believe and the Desire to Know", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 529-45.
  •  DUCARD, Dominique. "The Semiotic Chora and the Inner Life of Language". In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 155-74.
  •  ENGREBRETSEN, Eivind. "Evidence-Based Medicine and the Irreductible Singularity of Being - Kristeva's Contribution to the Medical Humanities", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 671-87.
  •  FELD, Alina N. "Melancholia : Passing Through and Beyond", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 447-59..
  •  FOREST, Philippe. "Birth of the Novel, Yesterday and Today", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 221-231.
  •  FORT, Pierre-Louis. "Julia Kristeva and the Detective Novel : Fiction and Metaphysics", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 415-26.
  •  FRANZÉN, Carine. "An Antidote to the Crisis of Contemporary Culture : Rereading Kristeva on Duras",  In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 371-83.
  •  GARDOU, Charles. "The Intimate Face of a Common Thought and Action", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 663-70.
  •  HANSEN, Sarah K. "Intimate Revolt at the Margins of Community and the Hope of Postcoloniality", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 573-88.
  •  HARVEY, Robert. "Of Incredibility in the Need to Believe : A Philosophical Exploration",  In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 513-28.
  •  HOBSON, Marian. "Julia Kristeva's Farewell to Philosophy", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 233-246.
  •  KAPOOR, Anish. "Dear Julia", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 345-53.
  • LECHTE, John. "Language, Literature, and the Founding Murder in the Work of Julia Kristeva", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 175-193.
  • MARGARONI, Maria. "Artaud's Madness and the Literary Obscene Humanism and Its Double in Julia Kristeva", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 249-264.
  • McAFEE, Noëlle. "Kristeva's Latent Political Theory", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 753-68.
  • MILLER, Elaine P. "Julia Kristeva om the Severed Head and Other Maternal "Capital Visions",  In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 355-69.
  • MOCK, Keren. "Language and Sacredness in the Quest for Subjectivity", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 479-92.
  • MORO, Mary Rose. "The Polyglot Imaginary, a Poetics, and a Clinic", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 689-700.
  • MYLONA, Eléana. "Julia Kristeva Between the Semiotic and the Symbolic : The Process of Signifiance.". In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 195-212. 
  • NIKOLCHINA, Miglena. "Signifiance and Transubstantiation : The Return of the Avant-Garde in Kristeva's Philosophy of Literature", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 265-81.
  • OLIVER, Kelly. "The Democracy of Proximity and Kristeva's New Humanism", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 769-84.
  • PLONOWSKA ZIAREK, Ewa. "A Materialist Ethics of Psychoanalysis? Reflections on Matter Forgiveness, and Vulnerability", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 735-51.
  • RABAIN, Jean-François. "Julia Kristeva, Reader of Aragon", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 317-29.
  • SJÖHOLM, Cecilia. "From Denial to Forgiveness : Kristeva, Arendt, and Radicalization", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 719-34.
  • SÖDERBACK, Fanny. "Maternal Enigmas : Kristeva and the Paradoxes of Motherhood", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 639-54.
  • UHRIG, David. "No Present Apart", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 407-14.
  • VANIER, Jean. "Their Look Pierces our Shadows", In The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Ed. by Sara C. Beardsworth. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, (The Library of Living Philosophers, 36), pp. 701-08.

  • GLEIZE, Mélanie. "Deux monstres", Dostoïevski par Julia Kristeva, Spirale, no, 275, Printemps 2021, p. 92-95.

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