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Julia Kristeva: A
Hélène Volat
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- BARTHES, Roland,
"L'Etrangère," La Quinzaine littéraire, 93, May 1-15,
1970, pp. 19-20
- "A Typology of texts. Sèméiotikè:
recherches pour une sémanalyse," Times Literary
Supplement, 3577, September 18, 1970, p. 1045.
- BOTTONI, L., "Julia
Kristeva. Le
Texte du roman," Lingua e stile, VI, 1971,
pp. 509-12.
- HOUDEBINE, Jean-Louis,
"Lecture(s) d'une refonte," Critique, XXVII, 287,
April 1971, pp. 318-50.
- "New frontiers in the
theory of fiction," Times Literary Supplement, 3627,
September 3, 1971, pp. 1055-56.
- RAILLON, Jean-Claude,
"Le Signe renaissant," Marche romane, XXI, 4, 1971,
pp. 21-35.
- BOYER, Henri, "Julia
Kristeva. Le
Texte du roman," Revue des langues romanes,
LXXX, 1st fascicule, 1972, pp. 195-98.
- CHAMPAGNE, Roland A.,
"The words: Le Roman du texte: a response to Julia Kristeva's
reading of Antoine de La Salle's Le Petit Jehan de Saintré,"
SubStance, 4, Fall 1972, pp. 125-33.
Tzvetan. Dictionnaire encyclopédique des sciences du
langage. Paris, Seuil, 1972. 453 p. pp. 443-53.
- KRAUSS, Werner, "Julia
Kristeva: Le
Texte du roman," Deutsche Literatur Zeitung,
93, 2, February 1972, p. 118.
- LEGROS, Georges,
"Mallarmé et la sémiologie poétique," Cahiers d'analyse
textuelle, 14, 1972, pp. 138-46.
- QUAQHEBEUR, Marc, "Julia
Kristeva, une philosophie de l'avant-garde," Les Lettres
romanes, 26, 1, February 1972, pp. 360-88.
- RELLA, Franco, "Pratica
letteraria e ideologia (note su alcuni testi)," Nuova
Corrente, 57-58, 1972, pp. 136-52.
- ROUDIEZ, Léon, "Julia
Kristeva: Le
Texte du roman," Romanic Review, LXIII, 1,
February 1972, pp. 76-78.
- BULEU, François-René, "Tel
quel à l'Amphi," Le Monde, 8856, July 5, 1973,
p. 15.
- CAWS, Mary Ann, "Tel
quel: text and revolution," Diacritics, 3, 1,
Spring 1973, pp. 2-8.
- CULLER, Jonathan,
"Tzvetan Todorov. Poétique de la prose and Julia
Kristeva Le
Texte du roman," Modern Language Review,
68, 4, October 1973, pp. 900-29.
- BROEKMAN, Jan M., Structuralism.
Moscow - Prague - Paris. Times Literary Supplement,
3782, August 30, 1974, p. 934.
- CULLER, Jonathan, "The
Ever-moving finger," Times Literary Supplement, 3782,
August 30, 1974, p. 934.
- D., R.-P., "Kristeva ou
la révolution du silence," Le Monde [des livres],
9142, June 7, 1974, p. 28.
- DESANTI, Dominique, "Les
Femmes, mais vues par qui?," Le Monde [des livres],
9315, December 27, 1974, p. 11.
- GRIVEL, Ch., "La
Sémiotique kristevienne," Rapports. Franse Boek, XLIV,
1, January 1974, pp. 1-8.
- HEFNER, Robert W., "The
Tel quel ideology: material practice upon material
practice," SubStance, 8, Winter 1974, pp. 127-38.
- LEWIS, Philip,
"Revolutionary semiotics," Diacritics, 4, 2, Fall
1974, pp. 28-32.
- PACHET, Pierre,
"L'Avaleur de sabres," La Quinzaine littéraire, 186,
May 1, 1974, pp. 23-24.
- POLET, Jean-Claude, "A
travers Sèméiotikè
de Julia Kristeva, ou l'illusion sémiotique," Les Lettres
romanes, 28, 4, 1974, pp. 360-99.
Creuset dangereux et violent," Les Nouvelles littéraires,
2429, April 15, 1974, p. 5.
- VAN WERT, William F.;
MIGNOLO, Walter, "Julia Kristeva: Cinematic Semiotic
Practice," SubStance, 9, 1974, pp. 97-114.
- WASON, Peter; UREN
Ormond, "The Semantics of semiotics," New Society, 30,
December 26, 1974, pp. 812-14.
- BENOIST, Jean-Marie. La
Révolution structurale. Paris, Grasset, 1975. 352 p.
(Coll. "Figures"). Pp. 18, 264-75.
"Sémistyles: Le rituel de la littérature," Semiotica,
14, 4, 1975, pp. 297-328.
- BOUCQUEY, Eliane, "Unes
femmes," Les Cahiers du Grif, 7, 1975, pp. 22-27.
- CONLEY, Verena
Andermatt, "Kristeva's China," Diacritics, 5, 4,
Winter 1975, pp. 25-30.
- CREECH, James, "Julia
Kristeva's Bataille: reading as triumph," Diacritics,
5, 1, Spring 1975, pp. 62-68.
- FORRESTER, Viviane,
"Julia Kristeva telle quelle," Le Nouvel Observateur,
533, January 27-February 2, 1975, p. 60.
- HARDT, Manfred,
"Kristeva," pp. 309-25 in Französische Literaturkritik der
Gegenwart im Einzeldarstellungen. Edited by Wolf Dieter
LANGE. Stuttgart, Kroner, 1975. 372 p.
GENEVIÈVE, MARIE, MARTINE, "Pourquoi (pas) les Chinoises?
Pourquoi (pas) nous? Sur Des
Chinoises de Julia Kristeva," Les Temps
modernes, 349-50, August-September 1975, pp. 342-53.
- LOTRINGER, Sylvère, "The
Subject on trial," Semiotext(e), 1, 3, 1975, pp. 3-8.
- RONAT, Mitsou,
"Questions sur les idéologies qui président à, et naissent de,
l'utilisation de théories linguistiques par la littérature,"
p. 11-25 in La Langue manifeste. Littérature et théories
du language. Paris, Action Poétique, 1975. 127 p.
contre-courant," Critique, XXXI, 337, June 1975, pp.
Return to top
- ALEXANDER, George, "The
Group Tel quel," Working Papers in Sex, Science
and Culture, 1, 2, November 1976, pp. 3-11.
- BROOKE-ROSE, Christine,
"Letter from Paris: Ganging up," Spectator, 236, 7709,
March 27, 1976, p. 26.
- BUCK, Paul, "New French
writing," Poetry Information, 15, Summer 1976, pp.
"Julia Kristeva: La
Révolution du langage poétique," Annales,
Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations, 31, 1,
January-February 1976, pp. 599-603.
- GALLOP, Jane, "The
Ladies' man," Diacritics, 6, 4, Winter 1976, pp.
Marie-Christine, "Les Femmes, le langage et l'écriture,"
Raison présente, 39, July-August-September 1976, pp.
- HEMPFER, Klaus W., Poststrukturale
Texttheorie und Narrative Praxis. Tel quel und die
Konstitution eines Nouveau Nouveau Roman. Munich,
Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1976. 185 p. Pp. 33-38, 41-47, 53.
- LUND, Hans Peter,
"Mallarmé chez Kristeva," Orbis Litterarum, 31, 1976,
pp. 229-36.
"Poetic language and the revolution," L'Esprit créateur,
XVI, 1, 1976, pp. 149-60.
Lyla, "L'Intertextualité critique," Poétique, 7,
27, 1976, pp. 372-84.
- BENOIST, Jean-Marie,
"Julia Kristeva, fidèle à son pari théorique," Le Monde
[des livres], 10083, July 1, 1977, p. 21.
WEEDON, Chris, "Ideology, subjectivity and the artistic text,"
Working Papers in Cultural Studies, 10, 1977, pp.
- CHAMPAGNE, Roland A.,
"The Words: Le Roman du texte: a response to Julia Kristeva's
reading of Antoine de La Salle's Le Petit Jehan de Saintré,"
pp. 95-109 in CHAMPAGNE, Roland, ed., Beyond the
structuralist myth of écriture. The Hague, Mouton, 1977.
142 p.
- CLAVEL, André, "La
Polyphonie de Kristeva," Les Nouvelles Littéraires,
2589, June 16-23, 1977, p. 9.
- CONLEY, Verena
Andermatt, "Julia Kristeva and the traversal of modern poetic
space," Enclitic, 1, 2, Fall 1977, pp. 65-77.
- COWARD, Rosalind; ELLIS,
John, "The critique of sign," pp. 122-52 in Language and
Materialism: Developments in Semiology and the Theory of the
Subject. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1977. 165 p.
- GROSSE, Ernst Ulrich,
"Current trends in French narrative research," Linguistica
Biblica, 40, May 1977, pp. 21-54.
- HILTON, Isabel, "About
Chinese Women by Julia Kristeva," Times
Educational Supplement, 3259, November 25, 1977, p. 22.
- HOUDEBINE, Jean-Louis,
"Julia Kristeva: Polylogue,"
Art press international, 8, June 1977, pp. 18-19.
- HUTCHEON, Linda, "The
outer limits of the novel: Italy and France," Contemporary
literature, 18, 2, Spring 1977, pp. 198-216.
- LEACH, Edmund, "Chinese
boxes," Spectator, 238, 7758, March 12, 1977, pp.
- McGRAW, Betty R.,
"(De)constructing consciousness: the subject in
phenomenology, structuralism, and Left Bank Semiotics,"
Research Studies, 45, 4, December 1977, pp. 224-35.
- RABINE, Leslie, W.,
"Julia Kristeva: semiotics and women," Pacific Coast
Philology, 12, 1977, pp. 41-49.
- RAWSKI, Evelyn S.,
"Julia Kristeva: About
Chinese Women," Library Journal, 102, 4,
February 15, 1977, p. 507.
- VAN RUTTEN, Pierre,
"Julia Kristeva et al. La
Traversée des signes". Canadian Review of
Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature
Comparée, 4, 1-3, Winter/Hiver 1977, pp. 212-14.
Marina, "From Taoism to Maoism," Times Literary
Supplement, 3919, April 22, 1977, p. 491.
- BATLAY, Jenny H.,
"Dialogisme, polyphonie et intertextualité. La tentative du
post-formaliste russe Bakhtine à travers les analyses de
Kristeva," pp. 205-12 in French Literary Criticism,
Edited by Philip GRANT. Columbia, University of South Carolina
Press, 1978. 290 p.
"A conceptual survey of narrative semiotics," Dispositio,
III, 7-8, Spring-Summer 1978, pp. 189-217.
- BURKE, Carolyn, "Report
from Paris: women's writing and the women's movement," Signs,
3, 4, Summer 1978, pp. 843-55.
- CORTI, Maria, Introduction
to literary semiotics. Bloomington, Indiana University
Press, 1978. 176 p. Pp. 3, 24, 43.
- COWARD, Rosalind,
"Sexual liberation and the family," M/F, 1 1978, pp.
- FERAL, Josette,
"Antigone or the irony of the tribe," Diacritics, 8,
3, Fall 1978, pp. 2-14. Trans. Alice JARDINE and Tom GORA.
- HOMBERGER, Eric, "The
Class of Lacan," Times Literary Supplement, 3982, July
28, 1978, p. 854.
- LAFONTAINE, Dominique;
LORENT, Geneviève, "L'écriture des femmes," Les Cahiers du
GRIF, 23-24, December 1978, pp. 153-56.
- MARKS, Elaine, "Women
and literature in France," Signs, 3, 4, Summer 1978,
pp. 832-42.
- MURPHY, P., "Vision or
practice: new poetics of Julia Kristeva," Essays in
Poetics, 3, 1, 1978, pp. 57-82.
- ROUDIEZ, Léon,
"Readable/writable/visible," Visible Language, XII, 3,
Summer 1978, pp. 231-44.
- THOMAS, Jean-Jacques,
"Julia Kristeva: Le Texte
du roman," French Review, 51, 5, April
1978, pp. 768-69.
- TOUSSAINT, Bernard,
"Kristeva, de la sémanalyse à Polylogue,"
pp. 150-53 in Qu'est-ce que la sémiologie. Toulouse,
Privat, 1978. 192 p.
- VAN RUTTEN, Pierre, "La Révolution
du langage poétique," Canadian Review of Comparative
Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée, 5,
1-3, Winter/Hiver 1978, pp. 223-25.
- WERT, Lois et al.,
"Women's writing: Jane Eyre, Shirley, Vilette, Aurora Leigh,"
Ideology and consciousness, 1, 3, Spring 1978, pp.
- BROWN, Beverly; ADAMS,
Parveen, "The Feminine body and feminist politics," M/F,
3, 1979, pp. 35-50.
- COQUET, Jean-Claude;
ARRIVE, Michel, "La Sémiologie en France," pp. 111-29 in Le
champ sémiologique. Perspectives internationales. Edited
by André HELBO, Michel ARRIVE et al. Brussels, Ed.
Complexe, 1979. 413 p.
- DELMAR, Rosalind,
"Writers and readers," Red Letters, 9, 1979, pp.
- ECO, Umberto,
"Introduction," pp. 1-43 The Role of the reader.
Bloomington, London, Indiana University Press, 1979. 273 p.
- JACOBUS, Mary, ed.,
Women Writing and Writing about Women. London, Croom
Helm, 1979. 201 p. Pp. 12, 83, 90, 97, 189.
- MARTINIDIS, Petros, "Une
Lecture de Polylogue
de Julia Kristeva," Kodikas/Code, 1, July 1979,
pp. 275-80.
- REMY, Michel,
"Rhétorique et communication: remarques," pp. 413-18 in Rhétorique
et communication. Actes du Congrès de Rouen (1976).
Paris, Didier-Erudition, 1979. 473 p. (Coll. "Etudes
anglaises," 75).
- TROST, Pavel, "Die
Revolutionierung der poetischen Sprache. Julia Kristeva," Germanistik,
20, 1979, p. 701.
- VIRMAUX, Alain and
Odette, Artaud. Un bilan critique. Paris, Belfond,
1979. 412 p. Pp. 327-28, 330, 335, 192-93.
- WEST, Lois et al.,
"French feminist theorists and psychoanalytic theory," Off
Our Backs, 9, 7, July 1979, pp. 4, 23. Review of a
conference at Barnard College Women's Center on April 21,
- BEUERMANN, Christine,
"La Curieuse sémiologie de Julia Kristeva," Contrepoint,
33, Spring/Summer; 1980, pp. 57-66.
- BREE, Germaine,
"Faschismus und Avantgarde in Frankreich?," pp. 92-113 in Faschismus
und Avantgarde. Edited by Reinhold GRIMM, Hermand JOST.
Königstein, Athenaüm-Verlag, 1980. 149 p.
- BURKE, Carolyn; GALLOP,
Jane, "Psychoanalysis and feminism in France," pp. 120-41 in The
Future of difference. Edited by Hester EISENSTEIN and
Alice GALLOP. Boston, G. K. Hall, 1980. 362 p.
- BURKE, Carolyn,
"Rethinking the maternal," pp. 107-14 in The Future of
Difference. Edited by Hester EISENSTEIN and Alice
JARDINE. Boston, G. K. Hall, 1980. 362 p.
- DULAC, Philippe, "Julia
Kristeva: Pouvoirs
de l'horreur," Piccolo Hans, VIII, 32,
October-December 1980, pp. 131-34.
- FERAL, Josette, "The
Powers of difference," pp. 88-94 in The Future of
Difference. Edited by Hester EISENSTEIN and Alice
JARDINE. Boston, G. K. Hall, 1980. 362 p.
- JARDINE, Alice,
"Theories of the feminine: Kristeva," Enclitic, 4, 2,
Fall 1980, pp. 5-15.
"Intertextuality and the poetics of fiction," pp. 235-48 in Comparative
criticism: a yearbook. Edited by Elinor SHAFFER.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1980. 342 p.
- LAMY, Suzanne, "Voyages
autour d'une écriture," Revue de l'Université
d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa Quarterly, 50, 1,
January-March 1980, pp. 34-38.
- LAVERS, Annette, "In
revulsion is our beginning," Times Literary Supplement,
4047, October 24, 1980, p. 1203.
- MELLMAN, Deborah,
"Feminist explorations: life under patriarchy," Canadian
Journal of Political and Social Theory, 4, 2, 1980, pp.
- MURPHY, P., "Ideology or
science in a mathematical formalization of poetic language: a
close analysis of Julia Kristeva's Pour une sémiologie des
paragrammes," Essays in Poetics, 5, 2, 1980, pp.
- PAVEL, Thomas G., "Some
remarks on narrative grammar," pp. 188-212 in Linguistic
perspectives on literature. Edited by Marvin K. L.
CHING, Michael C. HALEY, Ronald F. LUNDSFORD. London,
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980. 331 p. See also pp. 188-89,
195, 199.
- PLEYNET, Marcelin, Le
Voyage en Chine. Paris, Grasset, 1980. 123 p. Pp. 42-47.
Bertrand, "Pourquoi l'abjection?," Le Monde, 10983,
May 23, 1980, p. 19.
Bertrand, "The
Powers of horror," Manchester Guardian Weekly,
122, 26, June 22, 1980, p. 13.
Bertrand, "Tous fous?," Le Monde [des Livres]
11024, July 11, 1980, pp. 15, 18.
- RICHMAN, M., "Sex and
signs: the language of French feminist criticism," Language
and Style, 13, Fall 1980, pp. 62-80.
- ROUDIEZ, Léon,
"Introduction," pp. 1-20 in Desire in
language: a semiotic approach to literature and art.
Edited by Leon S. Roudiez, translated by Thomas Gora, Alice
Jardine, and Leon S. Roudiez. New York, Columbia University
Press, 1980. 305 p.
- SHUKMAN, Ann, "Between
Marxism and formalism: the stylistics of Mikhail Bakhtine," Contemporary
Criticism: A Yearbook 1980, 2, 1981, pp. 221-34.
- STANTON, Domna C.,
"Language and revolution: the Franco-American disconnection,"
pp. 73-87 in The Future of Difference. Edited and
introduced by Alice JARDINE and Hester EISENSTEIN. Boston, G.
K. Hall, 1980. 362 p.
"Ideology and literary production: Kristeva's poetics," pp.
179-220 in Semiotics and Dialectics: Ideology and the Text.
Edited by Peter ZIMA. Amsterdam, Benjamins, 1981. 573 p.
- ARGYROS, Alexander, "The
possibility of history," New Orleans review, 8, 3,
Fall 1981, pp. 230-35.
- BAER, Eugen, "Desire in
Language by Julia Kristeva," Criticism,
vol. 23, no. 1, 1981, pp. 261-63.
- BENELLI, Graziano,
"Semiotica e/o semanalisi," pp. 143-66 in La Nouvelle
critique. Il dibattito critico in Francia dal 1960 ad oggi.
Bologne, Zanichelli, 1981. 220 p.
- BROOKE-ROSE, Christine,
"Eximplosions," Genre, 14, 1, 1981, pp. 9-21.
- CANTONI, Lamberto,
"Julia Kristeva: Pouvoirs
de l'horreur," Piccolo Hans, VIII, 32,
October-December 1981, pp. 204-7.
- CLIFFORD, Gay, "The
Benefits of wilderness," Structuralist criticism,
LVII, 1, July 1981, pp. 53-59.
- CULLER, Jonathan, The
Pursuit of Signs: Semiotics, Literature, Deconstruction.
Ithaca, London, Cornell University Press, 1981. 242 p. pp. 31,
- DeKOVEN, Marianne,
"Gertrude Stein and modern painting: beyond literary cubism,"
Contemporary Literature, 22, 1, Winter 1981, pp. 81-95.
- "Desire in
language: A semiotic approach to literature and
art," Choice, 18, 7, March 1981, p. 941.
- "Desire in
language: A semiotic approach to literature and
art," Rocky Mountain Journal, 35, 4, 1981, p. 314.
- FERAL, Josette, "Toward
a theory of displacement," SubStance, 32, 1981, pp.
"American misconceptions of French feminisms," Contemporary
French Civilization, 5, 3, 1981, pp. 317-25.
- JANNONE, C., "Desire in
Language: A semiotic approach to
literature and art," New Orleans Review, 8, 3,
Fall 1981, p. 809.
Alice, "Introduction to Julia Kristeva's Women's
Time," Signs, 7, 1, Autumn 1981, pp. 5-12.
- JARDINE, Alice,
"Pre-texts for the transatlantic feminist," Yale French
Studies, 62, 1981, pp. 220-36.
- JONES, Ann Rosalind,
"Writing the body: toward an understanding of l'écriture
féminine," Feminist Studies, 7, 2, Summer 1981,
pp. 247-63.
- MacCABE, Colin, ed.,
The Talking cure. Essays in psychoanalysis and language.
New York, St. Martin's Press, 1981. 229 p. Pp. 180, 186.
- MALL, James, "Desire in
Language," Journal of Aesthetics and Art
Criticism, 40, 1, Fall 1981, pp. 93-94.
- NORRIS, Christopher,
"Julia Kristeva, Pouvoirs de
l'horreur: essai sur l'abjection," French
Studies, XXXV, October 1981, p. 492-93.
"Introduction to Kristeva," M/F, 5/6, 1981, pp.
- ROSEN, Philip, "The
politics of the sign and film theory," October, 17,
Summer 1981, pp. 5-21.
- ROUDIEZ, Léon, "On
several approaches to Céline," Romanic Review, 72, 1,
January 1981, pp. 94-104.
- SPIVAK, Gayatri
Chakravorty, "French feminism in an international frame," Yale
French Studies, 62, 1981, pp. 154-84.
- ARAC, Jonathan, "Desire in
Language: A semiotic approach to literature and
art," Modern Fiction Studies, 28, 1, Winter 1982/83,
p. 723.
- DOMINGO, Willis, "Desire in
Language: A Semiotic Approach to Literature and
Art," Philosophy and Literature, 6, 1-2, Fall 1982,
pp. 215-16.
- FORGACS, David, "Marxist
literary theories," pp. 134-69 in Modern Literary Theory:
A Comparative Introduction. Edited by Ann JEFFERSON and
David ROBEY. Totowa: Barnes and Noble, 1982. 174 p.
- GALLOP, Jane, "The
Phallic mother: Freudian analysis," pp. 113-31 in The
Daughter's seduction: Feminism and psychoanalysis.
Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1982. 164 p.
- GERHART, Mary, "Julia
Kristeva: Desire
in Language," Commonweal, CIX, 4, February
26, 1982, p. 120.
- HAYES, Nk.,
"Negativizing Narcissus. Heinrich von Morungen at Julia
Kristeva's court," Journal of the Midwest Modern Language
Association, 22, 1, 1982, pp. 43-60.
- JENSEN, Svend,
"Kulturanalyse og Intertekstualitet," Litteratur og
Samfund, 35, December 1982, pp. 17-29.
- LIAO, Ping Hui; HALL,
Jonathan, "Intersection and juxtaposition of wor(l)ds," Tamkang
Review, Autumn-Summer 1982, 14, 1-4, pp. 395-415.
Laura, "The Movement of the subject in the films of Marguerite
Duras," pp. 425-31 in Semiotics 1982. Edited by John
DEELY and Jonathan EVANS. Lanham, New York, London, University
Press of America, 1982. 665 p.
Kay, "On the dialectics of signifying practice," Thesis
Eleven, 5/6, 1982, pp. 72-84.
- VILLAINE, Anne-Marie de,
"Le Corps de la théorie," Magazine littéraire, 180,
January 1982, pp. 25-28.
- VOLDENG, Evelyne,
"L'Intertextualité dans les écrits féminins d'inspiration
feministe," Voix et Images, 7, 3, Spring 1982, pp.
- WHITE, H., "Desire in
Language: A Semiotic Approach to Literature and
Art," Journal of Modern History, 54, December
1982, pp. 777-78.
- ZEPP, Evelyn, H., "The
Criticism of Julia Kristeva: a new mode of critical thought,"
Romanic Review, 73, 1, January 1982, pp. 80-97.
Return to top
- ANCHOR, Robert, "Realism
and ideology: the question of order," History and Theory,
22, 2, 1983, pp. 107-19.
- B., G., "Le Discours
amoureux de l'Occident," Le Monde, 12803, December 2,
1983, p. 26.
- BANN, Stephen, "Julia
Kristeva, genealogist," PN Review, 10, 3, 1983, pp.
- BOVE, Carol Mastrangelo,
"The Text as dialogue in Bakhtin and Kristeva," Revue de
l'Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa Quarterly,
53, 1, January-March 1983, pp. 117-24.
- BRISAC, Geneviève, "Les
Chemins de traverse de Julia Kristeva," Le Monde,
12083, December 2, 1983, p. 26.
- EAGLETON, Terry, Literary
Theory. An introduction. Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1983.
244 p.; Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1983. 244
p. Pp. 187-89.
- GIDAL, Peter, "On Julia
Kristeva," Undercut, 10/11, Winter 1983, pp. 14-19.
- HOMANS, Margaret, "Her
own howl: the ambiguities of representation in recent
women's fiction," Signs, 9, Winter 1983, pp. 186-205.
- JENNY, Laurent, "The
strategy of form," pp. 34-63 in French literary theory
today. A reader. Edited by Tzvetan TODOROV. Trans. by R.
CARTER. Cambridge, London, New York, Ed. de la Maison des
Sciences de l'Homme, 1982. 239 p.
- JONES, Ann Rosalind,
"Inside the outsider: Nashe's Unfortunate Traveller
and Bakhtin's polyphonic novel," ELH , 50, 1, Spring
1983, pp. 61-81.
- KLEIN, Richard, "In the
body of the mother," Enclitic, 7, Féminité,
subversion, écriture. Texts collected by Suzanne LAMY
and Irène PAGES. Montréal, Ed. du Remue-Ménage, 1983. 286 p.
- LE
CLEZIO, Marguerite, "La Féminité dans les idéologies
orientales et occidentales: Des
Chinoises de Kristeva," pp. 225-32 in Féminité,
subversion, écriture. Texts collected by Suzanne
LAMY and Irène PAGES. Montréal, Ed. du Remue-Ménage,
1983. 286 p.
- McCAFFERY, Steve, "The
Unreadable text," pp. 219-23 in Codes of Signals: Recent
Writings in Poetics. Edited by Michael PALMER. Berkeley,
North Atlantic, 1983. 314 p.
- MOI, Toril,
"Sexual/Textual politics," pp. 1-14 in The Politics of
Theory. Edited by Francis BAKER, Peter HULME, Margaret
IVERSEN, Diana LOXLEY. Colchester, University of Essex, 1983.
264 p.
"Julia Kristeva: Histoires
d'amour," Magazine littéraire, 202,
December 1983, pp. 44-45.
- "Powers of Horror," Journal
of Modern Literature, 10, 2, June 1983, p. 371.
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- BARTHES, Roland,
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pp. 485-96 in Stylistique, rhétorique et poétique dans les
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- MacCANNELL, Juliet
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- MacCANNELL, Juliet
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- MILLER, Jane, "Thinking
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p. 17.
- MOI, Toril,
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- MOI, Toril, "Semiotikk,
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- MOI, Toril, "Marginality
and subversion: Julia Kristeva," pp. 151-73 in Sexual/Textual
Politics. London, New York, Methuen, 1986. 206 p. See
also pp. 1-14.
- MORSON, Gary Saul, Bakhtin.
Essays and dialogues on his work. Chicago, London,
University of Chicago Press, 1986. 191 p. Pp. 15, 43, 46.
"Amoureux donc moïques. Kristeva dans l'orbite de Freud," Revue
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- RIEUSSET, Isabelle,
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Malcolm Bowie and David Kelley. Oxford, Society for French
Studies, 1986.
- ROSE, Jacqueline, "Julia
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- SCHENCK, Celeste,
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New York, London, Plenum Press, 1986. 647 p. pp. 9-10, 32-33,
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John Vignaux, A Question of Eros. Irony in Sterne,
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- STANTON, Domna C.,
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of gender. Edited by Nancy K. MILLER. New York, Columbia
University Press, 1986. 303 p.
- STORELV, Sven, "Lecture
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Julia Kristeva," pp. 367-77 in Actes du 9e Congrès des
Romanistes Scandinaves. Edited by Sven STORELV, Elina
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- WYATT, Jean, "Avoid in practice
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- WYATT, Jean, "Avoiding
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- WYK, Johan van, "Julia
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- YAEGER, Patricia,
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- WEEDON, Chris, Feminist
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- GORDON, Marci M.,
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- HALL, Colette, "L'Ecriture
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- HOWARD, June, "Feminist
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- IGNATIEFF, Michael,
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Supplement, 4437, April 15, 1988, p. 411-13.
- IGNATIEFF, Michel, "Schwarze
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Michael WALTER.
- JOHNSON, Christopher M.,
"Intertextuality and the psychical model," Paragraph,
11, 1, March 1988, pp. 71-89.
- KAHANE Claire,
"Questioning the maternal voice," Genders, 3, Fall
1988, pp. 82-91.
- LERNER, Laurence, "On
ambiguity, modernity and sacred texts," pp. 133-44 in LERNER,
Laurence and Vereen Bell, eds. On Modern Poetry:
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University Press, 1988. 256 p.
Ivette, "El discurso del carnaval y la poesia de Nicanor
Parra," Acta Literaria, 13, 1988, pp. 83-92.
- McCANCE, Dawne,
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- MILLER, Nancy, Subject
to Change: Reading Feminist Writing. New York, Columbia
University Press, 1988. 285 p. Pp. 27, 72, 180, 184.
- MOI, Toril, "Feminism,
postmodernism and style: recent feminist criticism in the
U.S.," Cultural Critique, 9, Spring 1988, pp. 3-22.
- NOOY, Juliana de,
"Double jeopardy: a reading of Kristeva's Le Texte clos,"
Southern Review (Adelaide), 21, July 2, 1988, pp.
- NYE, Andrea, "Kristeva
and a maternal semiotics," pp. 141-48 in Feminist Theory
and the Philosophies of Man. London, New York, Croom
Helm, 1988. 240 p. See also pp. 206-7.
- PICARD, Anne-Marie, "Les
Des-astres de l'amour," University of Toronto Quarterly,
57, 4, Summer 1988, pp. 550-54.
- POOVEY, Mary, "Feminism
and deconstruction," Feminist Studies, 14, Spring
1988, pp. 51-65.
- REINEKE, Martha J.,
"Life-sentences: Kristeva and the limits of modernity," Soundings,
71, 4, Winter 1988, pp. 439-61.
- REISS, Timothy J.,
"Carnival's illusionary place and the process of order," pp.
135-52 in The Uncertainty of analysis. Problems in truth,
meaning and culture. Ithaca, London, Cornell University
Press, 1988. 298 p. See also pp. 140, 151-54, 177, 256,
- ROBINSON, Sally, "The anti-logos
weapon: multiplicity in women's texts," Contemporary
literature, 29, 1, Spring 1988, pp. 105-24.
- RUSSELL, D., "Women and
reason," Hecate, 14, 1, 1988, pp. 40-50.
- SCOTT, Bonnie Kime, "The
World split its husk: Woolf's double vision of modernist
language," Modern fiction studies, 34, 3, Autumn 1988,
pp. 371-85.
- SIEBERS, Tobin, "The
ethics of sexual difference," pp. 186-219 in The Ethics of
Criticism. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1988. 256
- SILVERMAN, Kaja, "The
Fantasy of the Maternal Voice: Female Subjectivity and the
Negative Oedipus Complex," pp. 101-40 in The Acoustic
Mirror: The Female Voice in Psychoanalysis and Cinema.
Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1988. 257 p.
- SMITH, Paul, "Feminism,"
pp. 117-31, and "Semiotica," pp. 132-51 in Discerning the
Subject. Foreword by John MOWITT. Minneapolis,
University of Minnesota Press, 1988. 185 p.
- TAMBLING, Jeremy, What
is literary language? Philadelphia, Open University
Press, 1988. 116 p. Pp. 78-91.
- TERONI, Sandra, "Julia
Kristeva: Sole nero.
Depressione e melancolia," Aut-Aut, 228,
November-December 1988, p. 173.
- TODD, Janet, Feminist
Literary History. A Defence. Cambridge, Polity Press,
1988. 162 p. Pp. 53-56, 55-62, 60-68, 73-75.
"Julia Kristeva: a bibliography of her writings," Bulletin
of Bibliography, 45, 1, March 1988, pp. 51-62.
- WINDQUIST, Charles, "The
Kristeva Reader," Religious Studies Review,
14, 2, April 1988, p. 133.
- BALL, Charlene,
"Utopias, European," pp. 343-44 in Women's Studies
Encyclopedia, 2. Edited by Helen TIERNEY. New York,
Greenwood Press, 1989. 381 p.
- BERG, Temma F., ed.;
ELFENBEIN, Anna Shannon, LARSEN, Jeanne, SPARKS, Elisa Kay, co-eds.,
foreword by Sandra M. GILBERT. Engendering the Word.
Feminist Essays in Psychosexual Poetics. Urbana,
Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 1989. 293 p. Pp. 13-15,
22-23, 36, 39, 41, 165, 254-55.
- BELSEY, Catherine;
MOORE, Jane, eds., The Feminist reader: essays in
gender and the politics of literary criticism.
Houndsmills, Basingstoke, London, Macmillan Educational, 1989.
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Karin, "Materialism and semiotics in contemporary critical
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- BRENNAN, Teresa, Between
Feminism and Psychoanalysis. London, New York,
Routledge, 1989. 271 p. Pp. 3, 80-82, 171.
- BRETZ, Mary Lee,
"Masculine and feminine chronotopes in Los pazos de Ulloa,"
Letras Peninsulares, 2, 1, Spring 1989, pp. 45-54.
- BUTLER, Judith, "The
Body Politics of Julia Kristeva," Hypatia, 3, 3,
Winter 1989, pp. 104-18.
- CHARRIERE, Christian,
"Elles couchent les hommes sur le divan," Le Figaro
littéraire, 13911, April 19, 1989, p. 6.
- CHASE, Cynthia, "Desire
and identification in Lacan and Kristeva," pp. 65-83 in Feminism
and psychoanalysis. Edited by Richard FELDSTEIN and
Judith ROOF. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1989. 359 p.
- CLAES, Paul, "O, die
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- COUGHLIN, Ellen, L., "Language,
the Unknown: An Initiation into Linguistics," Chronicle
of Higher Education, 36, 1, September 6, 1989, p. A13.
- DIAMOND, Elin, "Mimesis,
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1, March 1989, pp. 58-72.
- FELSKI, Rita, "Against
feminist aesthetics," pp. 19-50; "Politics, aesthetics, and
the feminist public sphere," pp. 51-85; "Subjectivity and
feminist," pp. 154-84 in Beyond feminist aesthetics.
Feminist literature and social change. Cambridge,
Harvard University Press, 1989. 223 p.
- FOSTER, Thomas,
"History, critical theory, and women's social practices: Women's
Time and housekeeping", pp. 221-47 in Feminist
Theory in Practice and Process. Edited by Micheline R.
Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1989. 368 p.
- GROSZ, Elizabeth A.
"Julia Kristeva and the speaking subject," Pp. 39-69 in Sexual
subversions: Three French feminists. Sydney, Allen and
Unwin; Boston, Unwin Hyman, 1989. 262 p.
Elizabeth A. "Julia Kristeva: Abjection, motherhood and
love," pp. 70-99 in Midwest Modern Language
Association, 22, 1, Spring 1989, pp. 43-57.
- HODGE, Joanna, "Feminism
and post-modernism: misleading divisions imposed by the
opposition between modernism and post-modernism," pp. 86-110
in The Problems of modernity: Adorno and Benjamin.
Edited by Andrew BENJAMIN. London, New York, Routledge &
Kegan Paul, 1989. 224 p.
- KERR, Tom, "A Postmodern
novel?," Paragraph, 12, 1, March 1989, pp. 97-101.
- KINTZ, Linda,
"In-different criticism," pp. 113-35 in The Thinking Muse:
Feminism and Modern French Philosophy. Edited by
Jennifer ALLEN and Iris Marion YOUNG. Bloomington, Indiana
University Press, 1989. 215 p.
- KIRKBY, Joan, "Barbara
Baynton: an Australian Jocasta," Westerly, 34, 4,
December 1989, pp. 114-24.
- KLARER, Mario,
"Homoerotische Trigonometrie: Zu David Leavitts
Territory (Revieranspruche)," Forum Homosexualität und
Literatur, 7, 1989, pp. 51-69.
- KUYKENDALL, Eléanor H.,
"Questions for Julia Kristeva's ethics of linguistics," pp.
180-94 in The Thinking Muse: Feminism and Modern French
Philosophy. Edited by Jeffner ALLEN and Iris Marion
YOUNG. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1989. 215 p. See
also pp. 8, 9, 43.
- "Language,
the Unknown. An Initiation into Linguistics," Chronicle
of Higher Education, 36, September 6, 1989, p. A13.
- "Language
the Unknown. An Initiation into Linguistics," Voice
Literary Supplement, December 1989, p. 11.
- LIMA, Isabel Pires de,
"Os Azulejos da Lembranca," Jornal de Letras, 9, 375,
September 12-18, 1989, p. 14.
- MASCHINO, Maurice T.,
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littéraire, 527, March 1-15, 1989, pp. 21-22.
- MELVILLE, Stephen,
"Picturing Japan: reflections on the workshop," pp. 279-88 in
Postmodernism and Japan. Edited by Masao NIYOSHI and H.
D. HAROOTUNIAN. Durham, Duke University Press, 1989. 302 p.
- MILLS, Sara, "No poetry
for ladies: Gertrude Stein, Julia Kristeva and modernism," pp.
85-107 in Literary theory and poetry: extending the canon.
Edited by David MURRAY for the University of Nottingham
Critical Theory Group. London, Batsford, 1989. 216 p.
- MORGAN, Thais, "The
Space of intertextuality," pp. 239-79 in Intertextuality
and Contemporary American Fiction. Edited by Robert Con
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- NYE, Andrea, "The
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- OLIVER, Kelly,
"Revolutionary horror: Nietzsche and Kristeva on the politics
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- OLIVIER, Jean-Michel, "Les
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- RABINE, Leslie W.,
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- REIS, Carlos, "Les
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- ROSE, Jacqueline, "Julia
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- SELDEN, Raman, A
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p. Pp. 82-84, 149-53.
- SMITH, Andrew R.,
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- SMITH, Joseph H.,
"Evening the score. Julia Kristeva's response to Lacanian
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- SMITH, Paul, "Julia
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1989. 359 p.
"Semiotics and feminism," pp. 329-32 in Women's Studies
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- SULEIMAN, Susan Rubin,
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Benjamin. London, Routledge, 1990. 213 p.
- BAGNAL, Ruth, "The
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time/women's place," pp. 111-17 in Archaeology After
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- BASTIAENEN, Etienne,
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- BURGIN, Victor,
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Fletcher and Andrew Benjamin. London, Routledge, 1990. 213 p.
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Rita, Beyond Feminist Aesthetics. Feminist
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- FROW, John,
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- GOODALL, Jane, "The
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"Kristeva on language and The Feminine," pp. 5-26 in Language
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Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1990. 182 p.
- GROSZ, Elizabeth A.,
"The Body of signification," pp. 80-103 in Abjection,
Melancholia and Love. The Work of Julia Kristeva. Edited
by John Fletcher and Andrew Benjamin. London, Routledge, 1990.
213 p.
- GROSZ, Elizabeth A..
"Lacan and feminism," pp. 150-76 in Jacques Lacan. A
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- HAND, Sean, "Missing
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pp. 79-91 in Intertextuality. Theories and practices.
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1990. 256 p.
- HERTZ, Neil, "More lurid
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- HILL, Leslie,
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- HOLLAND, Nancy J.,
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- LACK, Roland François,
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of Isidore Ducasse," pp. 130-42 in Intertextuality.
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Manchester, Manchester University Press; New York, St.
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- LETCHE, John, "Art,
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- LECHTE, John, "Kristeva
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- LERNOUT, Geert, The
French Joyce. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press,
1990. 291 p. Pp. 134-36, 166-68.
- McCANCE, Dawne, "Julia
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- MARCHAK, Catherine, "The
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- MEISEL, Perry, "Sadness
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Review, 48157, February 25, 7, 1990, p. 31.
- MEYERS, Diana T.,
"Feminism: Chodorow, Flax, Kristeva," pp. 135-61 in Revaluing
French Feminism. Edited by Nancy FRASER. Bloomington,
Indiana University Press, 1990. 201 p.
- MINOGUE, Sally, ed.,
Problems for feminist criticism. London, New York,
Routledge, 1990. 241 p. Pp. 230-31.
"Virginia Woolf as seen from a foreign land," pp. 157-76 in Abjection,
Melancholia and Love. The Work of Julia Kristeva. Edited
by John Fletcher and Andrew Benjamin. London, Routledge, 1990.
213 p.
- NICHOLSON, Linda J., ed.,
Feminism/Postmodernism. London, New York, 1990. 348 p.
Pp. 259-60, 303-304, 331-33.
- NOTH, Winfried, ed.,
"Kristeva's semanalysis," pp. 321-24 in Handbook of
Semiotics. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1990.
576 p.
- NOURISSIER, François,
"Livres: La mode culturelle repasse-t-elle les plats," Figaro
Magazine, 513, March 10, 1990, p. 33.
- O'CONNOR, Noreen, "The
an-arche of psychotherapy," pp. 42-51 in Abjection,
Melancholia and Love. The Work of Julia Kristeva. Edited
by John Fletcher and Andrew Benjamin. London, Routledge, 1990.
213 p.
- PHILLIPS, Adam, "What is
there to lose?," London Review of Books, 12, 10, May
24, 1990, pp. 6-8.
- POTTER, R., "In whose
sense? Joy Kogawa's Obasan and Julia Kristeva's Powers of
Horror," Studies in Canadian Literature,
15, 1, 1990, pp. 117-39.
- QUIGNARD, Pascal, "La
Fièvre de la pensée. Quand Kristeva rime avec Spinoza," Le
Nouvel Observateur, March 15, 1990, pp. 69-70.
- ROGERS, Lynne,
"Reivindicacion del conde don Julian: A Descent into
Abjection," Letras Peninsulares, 3, 2-3, Fall-Winter
1990, pp. 279-91.
Hazel; Grosz, Elizabeth A., "Psychoanalysis and
Feminism," pp. 175-204 in Feminist Knowledge.
Critique and Construct. Edited by Sneja GUNEW.
London, New York, Routledge, 1990. 357 p. See also pp.
23, 101, 139.
- SAVIGNEAU, Josyane,
"Quand les Samouraïs
répondent aux Mandarins," Le Monde [livres-idées],
14032, March 9, 1990, pp. 19, 20.
- SCHLEINER, Louise,
"Pastoral male friendship and Miltonic marriage: textual
systems transposed," Lit, 2, 1, July 1990, pp. 41-58.
"Hidden listeners: dialogism in the poetry of Emily
Dickinson," Discours social/Social discourse,
Spring-Summer 1990, 3, 1-2, pp. 199-215.
- SHOWALTER, Elaine,
"Feminism and literature," pp. 179-202 in Literary Theory
Today. Edited by Peter COLLIER and Helga GEYER-RYAN.
Ithaca, New York, Cornell University Press, 1990. 249 p.
- SHOWALTER, Elaine, "A
Paragon and her position," Times Literary Supplement,
4565, September 28-October 4, 1990, p. 1038.
- SOPER, Kate, "Feminism,
humanism and postmodernism," Radical Philosophy, 55,
Summer 1990, pp. 11-16.
Danka, "Misao Julije Kristeve," Izraz, 34, 2-3,
February-March 1990, pp. 340-56.
- STILL, Judith; WORTON,
Michael, "Introduction," pp. 1-45 in Intertextuality:
Theories and Practices. Edited with an introduction and
a note on vocabulary by Michael WORTON and Judith STILL.
Manchester, Manchester University Press; New York, St.
Martin's Press, 1990. 256 p.
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- WYATT, Jean,
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in The role of the unconscious in women's reading and
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- YOUNG, Iris Marion, Justice
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the Unknown. An Initiation into Linguistics," Signs,
16, 3, Spring 1991, p. 630-34.
- BRANDT, Joan, "The power
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- BRAUDEAU, Michel, "Le
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- EAGLETON, Mary, Feminist
Literary Criticism. London, New York, Longman, 1991. 241
p. Pp. 45-49.
- ELLIOT, Patricia, "Julia
Kristeva," pp. 190-229 in From Mastery to Analysis:
Theories of Gender in Psychoanalytic Feminism. Ithaca,
Cornell University Press, 1991. 244 p.
- FOSTER, Dennis; Nina
Sun: Depression and Melancholia by Julia
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- GALLAGHER, Susan Van
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Voices," pp. 231-51 in Contemporary Literary Theory. A
Christian Appraisal. Edited by Clarence WALHOUT and
Leland RYKEN. Grand Rapids, W. B. Eerdmans Publ. Co., 1991.
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- GANE, Mike, Baudrillard,
critical and fatal theory. London, New York, Routledge,
1991. 243 p. Pp. 41-42, 86, 96, 100.
- GINSBURG, Michael Peled,
the Unknown: An Initiation into Linguistics by
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- GOURONNEC, Sylvie,
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294, December 1991, p. 62.
- GRANT, Jennifer,
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- GUERLAC, Suzanne, "The
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- GUISSARD, Lucien, "Faims
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- HEMPFER, Klaus W.,
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- HUFFER, Lynne, "Julia
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- JOUVE, Nicole Ward, White
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London, Routledge, 1991. 212 p. Pp. 32, 38, 48, 52, 53, 85,
103, 150.
- KLARER, Mario, "David
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Julia Kristeva's semiotic chora," Studies in Short Fiction,
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- KRITZMAN, Lawrence D.,
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- LANDY, Francis, "Jouissance
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- LAURIER, Michel, "Language,
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- LOWE, Lisa, "The Desires
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- MAZZONI, Christina M.,
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- MELLARD, James M., Using
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- MIDDLETON, Peter, "On
ice: Julia Kristeva, Susan Howe and avant-garde poetics," pp.
81-95 in Contemporary Poetry meets Modern Theory.
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- MOI, Toril, "Reading
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- NIKOLCHINA, Miglena,
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- NOLAND, Carrie Jaures,
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- PARK, O'bog, "The
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Journal of English language and literature, 37, 3,
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- ROUGHLEY, Alan, "Julia
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Kristeva," pp. 209-12 in James Joyce and Critical Theory:
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13-15, 59-60, 98, 48-52, 73-75, 98-113, 180.
- SILVERMAN, Hugh J., "The
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DILLON. Albany, State University of New York Press, 1991. 224
- SMITH, Joseph H., "Ego
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- "Strangers to
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- BERRY, Philippa, "Woman
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- BRUSSEAU, James, "A
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- BRYSON, Valerie, Feminist
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- BUTLER, Judith, "The
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French Feminism. Critical Essays on Difference, Agency, and
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201 p.
- CORNIS-POPE, Marcel, Hermeneutic
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Press, 1992. 357 p. Pp. 34, 132-33, 172-74, 321.
- CROWLEY, Helen;
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395 p. P. 201-202.
- CULLEY, Margo, ed.,
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Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1992. 329 p. Pp. 295,
307-308, 315-17.
- EDELSTEIN, Marilyn,
"Metaphor, Meta-Narrative, and Mater-Narrative in Kristeva's Stabat
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Religion, Women and Psychoanalysis. Edited by David R.
Crownfield. Albany, State University of New York Press, 1992.
160 p.
- FRANÇOIS, Jocelyne,
"Merci à Julia Kristeva," Le Monde, 14695, April 27,
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- GROSZ, Elizabeth A.,
"Julia Kristeva," pp. 194-200 in Feminism and
psychoanalysis. A critical dictionary. Edited by
Elizabeth WRIGHT. Advisory editors Dianne CHISHOLM, Juliet
Flower MacCANNELL, Margaret WHITFORD. London, Basil Blackwell,
1992. 485 p.; See also pp. 61-62, 186-87.
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pp. 110-30.
- HUMM, Maggie, ed.,
Feminisms. A Reader. New York, London, Toronto,
Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992. 248 p. Pp. 13, 59, 193, 203.
- JONTE-PACE, Diane,
"Situating Kristeva Differently: Psychoanalytic Readings of
Woman and Religion," pp. 1-25 in Body/Text in Julia
Kristeva. Religion, Women and Psychoanalysis. Edited by
David R. Crownfield. Albany, State University of New York
Press, 1992. 160 p.
- KEARNS, Cleo McNelly,
"Art and Religious Discourse in Aquinas and Kristeva," pp.
111-23 in Body/Text in Julia Kristeva: Religion, Women,
and Psychoanalysis. Edited by David R. Crownfield.
Albany, State University of New York Press, 1992. 160 p.
- "Language
the unknown: an initiation into linguistics," University
Press Book News, 4, March 1992, p. 31.
- JUDT, Tony, "The
Samurai by Julia Kristeva," Book World,
XXII, 45, November 8, 1992, p. 6.
- LLOYD, Caryl L., "The
Politics of difference: French feminism in the nineties," Contemporary
French Civilization, XVI, 2, Summer/Fall 1992, pp.
Brenda, "Julia Kristeva: The Other of Language," pp.
23-38 in The Judgment of Paris: Recent French Theory
in a Local Context. Edited by Kevin MURRAY. North
Sydney, Allen & Unwin, 1992. 164 p.
- MICHIE, Helene, Sororophobia.
Differences among women in literature and culture. New
York, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1992. 216 p. Pp. 109,
119, 176, 185-92, 195, 196.
- MEYERS, Diana T., "The
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Chodorow, Flax, Kristeva," pp. 136-61 in Revaluing French
Feminism. Critical Essays on Difference, Agency, and Culture.
Edited by Nancy FRASER and Sandra Lee BARTKY. Bloomington,
Indiana University Press, 1992. 201 p.
- MORRIS, Pam, "Re-routing
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6, 1, Spring 1992, pp. 31-46.
- PYKETT, Lyn, The
Improper feminine. The women's sensation novel and the new
woman writing. London, New York, Routledge, 1992. 235 p.
Pp. 32, 178-79, 204-206.
- REINEKE, Martha J., "The
Mother in Mimesis: Kristeva and Girard on violence and the
sacred," pp. 67-85 in Body/Text in Julia Kristeva:
Religion, Women, and Psychoanalysis. Edited by David R.
Crownfield. Albany, State University of New York Press, 1992.
160 p.
- RENARD, Paul, "Des
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- SAGE, Lorna, "The Samurai,"
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- "The Samourai,"
Publishers Weekly, 239, 39, August 31, 1992, p. 65.
- SCHIESARI, Juliana, "The
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Kristeva)," pp. 63-93 in The Gender of Melancholia.
Feminism, Psychoanalysis, and the Symbolics of Loss in
Renaissance Literature. Ithaca, London. 278 p.
- SHOWALTER, Elaine,
"Julia Kristeva's The
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19, November 5, 1992, p. 5.
- SMITH, Anne-Marie,
"Abjection, Melancholia, and Love. The Work of Julia
Kristeva," edited by John FLETCHER and Andrew BENJAMIN," Paragraph,
15, 3, November 1992, pp. 279-85.
"Fiction: The
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August 1992, 239, 39, pp. 65-66.
- STEINER, Wendy, "The
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November 15, 1992, 7, pp. 9, 11.
- "Strangers
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68, 1, Winter 1992, p. 25.
- TRAUB, Valerie, Desire
and anxiety. Circulations of sexuality in Shakespearean
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- ZERILLI, Linda, "A
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- ZIAREK, Ewa, "At the
limits of discourse: heterogeneity, alterity and the maternal
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Philosophy and Language), 7, 2, Spring 1992, pp.
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- BUTLER, Judith, "The
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Politics, and Difference in Julia Kristeva's Writing.
Edited by Kelly OLIVER. New York, Routledge, 1993. 264 p.
- CAVANAGH, Clare,
"Pseudo-Revolution in Poetic Language: Julia Kristeva and the
Russian Avant-Garde," Slavic Review, 52, 2, Summer
1993, pp. 283-97.
- CAPUTI, Mary, "The
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and Language, 16, 2, Fall 1993, pp. 32-37.
- CHANTER, Tina,
"Kristeva's Politics of Change: Tracking Essentialism with the
Help of a Sex/Gender Map," pp. 179-95 in Ethics, Politics,
and Difference in Julia Kristeva's Writing. Edited by
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- EDELSTEIN, Marilyn,
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Difference in Julia Kristeva's Writing. Edited by Kelly
OLIVER. New York, Routledge, 1993. 264 p.
- FERGUSON, Kathy E.,
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